Saturday, 25 April 2015

Codecs and containers explained

Really great animation in a very simple way explains the essential information about codecs and containers. By Florian Fahrenberger

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Avid: how to list all effects in timeline + source and clip inforamtion

To display all effects/source information/clip information open Console (Tools ->Console) and run scripts below:
1. dumpfxsummary  - shows all effects, effect plug-ins and how many times it was used
2. dumpclipsummary - shows all clips used in sequence
3. dumpsourcesummary  - show all import paths for your media. No information on media if it was consolidated.

Examples (what you will get in reports):

Credits roll in Avid: how to add logos

There are 2 ways you can get logos in your credits roll:
1. Creating roll in Avid Marquee
You find great tutorial below. There is only one important note to this: resize your logos to the size you need before import to Avid!. Especially it's important if you want to add several logos to your roll.

2. Creating roll in Photoshop and then importing in Marquee. This tutorial shows clever workaround: